What does the world need that your talent can provide?
That's what actor and comedian Jim Carrey asked at a graduation speech. I've felt that radio broadcasting was my only talent to provide some level of entertainment and education for people listening. Now, I know my purpose is to help inspire people to live their best life, starting with a life assessment. Are you happy where you are?
THIS is why I relaunched my Pajama Podcast, focusing on the Life Audit series to share the stories of those that have taken a risk, the road less taken, or just a different direction in their life in order to "be happy".
You can fail at what you don't want so you might as well take on chance on doing something that you love.
I've always thought the above quote from Jim myself, leading me to over 15 years in radio broadcasting. I have more goals, including a travel series based on my documentary, as well as continuing my Life Audit podcast series to help inspire those that need it. I hope you've been able to get inspired from a part of Jim Carrey's speech above. If what you really want out of life seems so unlikely then read this line from Jim's speech and then read it again.
Hope is a beggar. Hope walks through the fire and faith leaps over it.